Event Organizer

At this point you have been assigned an id, set a password, and an event has been created for you. If you don’t already have one, request a password.

There are three basic activities needed to get started:

Edit settings

On the main page for your event is a settings button. This will take you to a page where you can enter, select, and add information about your event. Every event is different, and there is a lot of ways in which you can personalize your event. Fill in what you know, and feel free to come back to this page later and make changes.

This information is used to schedule heats, invoice students and studios, provide titles on pages that you print, and provide a background for counter display(s) at the event.

If you are going to make use of the invoicing feature of this application it is best to set up packages and options before adding studios and people. See Invoicing for more details.

Edit Dances

Events typically have entry forms. On that form there generally is a list of dances to choose from, arranged in columns.

On the main page is a dances button. This will take you to a page where you can add or remove dances. Once this list is correct, click the Arrange button at the bottom to take you to a page where you can arrange dances in columns to match your form. Arrange dances using drag and drop. Click Save once complete.

For most larger events this is enough to get started. For smaller events:

Invite other Studio owners (optional)

Some event organizers prefer to enter all the entries themselves. Others prefer to let each studio enter their own entries. If you would like to let other studios enter their own information, let me know the list of studios you wish to have access, and for each a contact name and email address.